WASHINGTON DC - March 1, 2024 - The Shia Muslim Foundation (SMF) had a productive meeting with a member of the White House’s Strategy to Counter Islamophobia team on Friday, March 1, 2024. The meeting was part of the SMF’s ongoing efforts to advocate for the rights and interests of the Shia Muslim community in the United States.
The meeting covered several topics of mutual concern, such as:
The challenges faced by Shia scholars who wish to visit or study in the United States.
The importance of accommodating the Shia community and addressing their specific concerns, such as protecting their places of worship, preventing hate crimes and discrimination, and fostering a culture of respect and inclusion.
The strategies and initiatives to address the broader issues of Islamophobia and its impact on various segments of the Muslim community, especially the Shia community. The meeting discussed the need to implement national origin-related protections and to monitor the real-world outcomes and effectiveness of the policies.
The meeting also touched on the recent incidents of SWAT attacks against various religious communities, and how they are affecting not only the targeted groups, but also the government employees and officials who are working to prevent and respond to such threats.